I think Fox might be the worst culprit of this, but I really despise when shows have the hashtag thing up during the show.
American Ninja Warrior – At the Southwest Regional final, did they say American favorite Levi Meeuwenberg has already been eliminated? If so, that’s a huge blow. Holy shit this show is 2 hours long? Good lord. Jesse La Flair definitely looked the most like the Asians that do it body type/athleticism wise.
Glee – Hahahah Mike O’Malley, killing some Beyonce, that’s awesome. So they’re keeping Britney around next season for her one liners? Is the Christian going to still be around? The Mic? They are still going to have to fill out the glee club a bit. So did they just completely throw out the Quinn/Christian story line. Kinda glad the season is over.
Modern Family – Lily, Jay, and Manny is a great dynamic they haven’t explored yet. The stubble was great. God this show is easily the best comedy on tv.
ABDC – I do like how they do big opening numbers once they get down to a smaller number of crews. RNG is safe, they are really starting to come into their own. I love how they keep saying “star of Battleship” in reference to Rhianna. Not bad, nothing spectacular though. I’m going to be pissed if 8 Flavahz wins, but they did really well. JC always is honest, Lil Mama is in orbit, and dtrix panders to the crowd. I guess that’s what Randy Jackson and America want, but its incredibly frustrating. Mos Wanted killed it, there back. Same with Elektrolytes, damn. I do like Fanny Pak more then 8 Flavahz, but they just can’t keep up with Elektro and MOS, and even some times RNG. JC saying they are artists is a good call, unfortunately its not Americas best dance artists (see what I did there?). Fanny Pak finally gets the boot. LMFAO should be upbeat and fun next week.
Performance Rankings: MOS Wanted Crew, Elektrolytes, Fanny Pak(eliminated), 8 Flavahz, Rated Next Generation
Rookie Blue – Far and away the worst show I watch. REALLY bad. I just described it to my Dad and sister as the Grey’s Anatomy of cop shows. I’ve never watched Grey’s but I despise it. Looks like Diaz has lost some muscle.
Awake – (Cancelled) And now, the conclusion of Awake. Damn, so chief went all in on the Rex side. That’s exactly how I imagine BD Wong to spent his free time. Reading in a immaculately clean simplistic room listening to classical music. Man, Jason Isaacs meeting himself, really losing his shit. Vega in a giant penguin suit! YES! I do not think they are all alive, I also don’t think Isaacs is in a coma. I think he really regressed at the end of the season/series.
Avatar: The Legend of Korra – no new episode
My Take on Summer TV:
Summer TV gets the really bad rap of being shitty. Because it is. None of the main networks put on new shows which basically means we get the cable networks seasonal fodder and B lineup stuff. Like Franklin and Bash and Rizzoli and Isles. As a result, this is also usually about the time I get back into wrestling a little bit, so don’t be shocked if you start seeing RAW is WAR on the list above in the coming months. Here is a list of things that I will start adding to the above list when it premieres. As I’ve down with the first two shows below, I’ll explain my relationship with it.
American ninja warrior – a few weeks ago i was a little hungover on Sunday and some exercise contest was on ESPN. It was the Crossfit Challenge. It made me wikipedia it. It basically involves doing a few exercises anyone could do for a long time. In my research I came across something a little different, Sasuke, or in America, American Ninja Warrior. See Sasuke is a Japanese game show, think the world championship of Parkour, that the ‘Murica tried to get in on by starting ANW. The ANW winners go on to compete at Sasuke every year and got fucking stomped.
rookie blue – a really terrible showed I started watching two years ago. At the time I was working at Albemarle High School as a Tech Support Specialist. During the Summer months, this job was incredibly boring. After knocking at the first season of the original 90210, I decided to see what was on Hulu. I stumbled on Rookie Blue and I can’t stop watching it. Its fucking terrible. (I know why I keep watching it, Missy Peregrym and Charlotte Sullivan) I actually also really like Lyriq Bent as the Lieutenant. He seems to be trying to actually be a decent actor. I do also some times enjoy Gregory Smith. Fun fact, Smith and Sullivan were both in Harriet the Spy.
hatfields and mccoys, 5/28 9pm on History
workaholics, 5/29 1030 comedy central
royal pains, 6/6 9pm on usa
true blood, 6/10 9pm on hbo
burn notice, 6/14 10pm on usa
suits, 6/14 10pm on usa
falling skies, 6/17 9pm on tnt
louie, 6/28 1030pm on fx
breaking bad, 7/15 10pm on AMC
@jimmytv_itb is ABDC not eligible for best comedy on tv?