Trying to find something I’d like to watch here. Nothing tickles my fancy. Any recommendations?
Glee – Really gave us a bunch of crap about Tina to start…. holly crap this episode is 2 hours long?! I like the dreadlocks dude. “Isn’t she the one that used to have a stutter?”, nice Jane Lynch. Hahahahahha the switcheroo is awesome. Could have done without seeing Schuester’s schlong through his track pants. Sue ordered little people, awesome. Compared to all of the horrible actors on the show, whenever anyone is remotely mediocre it really stands out, way to go Puck. I really enjoy all 3 judges. no way they should have won… also they cut away from the celebration pretty quickly. Damn Principle Figgins is an awesome character. Jane Lynch is hilarious.
Modern Family – The only real question is who is going to get nominated for the emmy and who is going to win. Ty Burrell does kill it, as does Stonestreet, but I think Rico Rodriguez has been especially killing it. Them posing in that picture frame was GENIUS
ABDC – I watched it live for once, forgot to record it. They kept RNG and Fanny Pak which were great decisions (mainly because I’m really digging RNG). My favorite crew, MOS, had two glaring mistakes and it really sucked the energy after one of the best first 10 seconds I’ve ever seen.
Performance Rankings: —
Community – Really unloaded some Community on us. The 8-bit episode was awesome and hilarious all the way through. Then they chang’ed it up in the next one, also solid, really closing the season well. And then the season finale. Troy not back yet. Love Leonard. YES Rob Corddry! So I’m assuming that was planned to be potentially the series finale. Preview for American Ninja Warrior. Nice.
I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention that Community has been moved to Fridays in between Whitney and Grimm and only a 13 episode season. They also canned show runner Dan Harmon. All is not well in the study room.
Awake – (Cancelled) Psychiatrists really giving it Isaacs. Dude gave up information REAL easy. Captain in the Red world is really losing her shit, she’s defintely going to crack. Going to get a scene where Red and Green Brittens meet. Should be interesting.
Avatar: The Legend of Korra – The red ferret/panda thing is awesome, cooler then the air monkey from the first series. Hahaha all the dudes are wearing swim shirts, some real summer league shit right there. There’s gotta be something going on with the family, and they are certainly going to be playing it up. They do some really cool camera stuff. Some thing as with the professional bending story arc, this episode could have been its own multi-episode story arc. The seismic shit was sweet. But going back, the rush jobs haven’t diminished the quality of the show, yet. I’m glad they gave Sato some reason, more of a gray character. OH SHIT, Assami crushed the lietenant easaier then the Avatar did. Again, glad the characters are getting layered.
Look for a complete run down of Summer shows i will be watching next week, if you have any suggestions, leave it in the comments