Monday Still nothing for Mondays. Tuesday New Girl – “Besides the fact that you just responded to our craigslist ad with a fax”. “There’s a corpse in your room?” Nicks mix of Breakfast at Tiffanys and How Bizarre is fantastic (and Mmm mmm mmm mmm) Glee – Brittney is pretty funny, she is having a […]
Boob Tube in Review: 4/30 – 5/6
Monday Still trying to find something I’d like to watch here. Nothing tickles my fancy. Any recommendations? Tuesday New Girl – This show is so good, I don’t want to watch it. Having an unwatched episode of Schmidty goodness on your DVR might be the best thing ever (kind of like 9pm on Sunday nights). […]
Reason #37 to Catch-up on NBC’s Community
An excellent scene from Community’s best season (so far), in which the study group is playing a little advanced dungeons and dragons with an ancillary character. Nothing better than shape changing to “faaaaaattt” and giving someone some “fat news”.
The Baggpod 5/3/2012 Part 2: What’s Old is New
Baggs, JimmyTV, and U-Gene continue their marathon pod with a trip back into the future as they talk about the quality of Battlestar Galactica before launching into part of NBC’s current Thursday night lineup. Admiral Adama and Abed, what more could you ask for?
A Look at Community Season 1
To start off I have to admit I had never watched a single episode, maybe even a single minute, of NBC’s Community until recently. I can’t remember what exactly made me search for Community’s homepage, it might have been a combination of things but once I saw the latest episode was done in a Ken […]