My first viewing of this movie came in the theater and I must say all my original thoughts hold true after my re-viewing. Midnight in Paris is a present day relic. At its heart it is a classic movie, a simple point and shoot that allows dialogue to shine, actors to to act, and the […]
Oscar Biases and Tendencies
Admittedly, I’m not a fan of the Academy Awards or any awards show. These ceremonies are designed to bring in more cash for the studios as well as be a love-fest for its employees. Most of the time, as is the case with the Oscars, the wrong people are honored for their work and the […]
The Help (2011) Review
I approached The Help very skeptically. In fact I probably would have never decided to watch this movie, under my own volition (plane rides and romantic entanglements aside), if not for it being nominated for a Best Picture this year. It seemed like the tried and true nomination. A movie Hollywood loves because it deals […]
Moneyball Rereview
My initial thoughts when I saw this in the theater were that it was a flawed movie. There was only one true character, Billy Beane (Brad Pitt), another half character in Peter Brand (Jonah Hill), and that the rest were basically just one-liner throw-ins to create depth. I remember that the much publicized script problems […]