In part 2 Alain talks up Iron Man 3 without spoiling a single drop, before he and Baggs really delve deep into this week’s Mad Men episode, “The Flood.”
The Baggpod 5/1/2013: How The King Was Slain Part 1
Baggs, JoeDog, and JimmyTV discuss the fifth episode of season three of Game of Thrones “Kissed By Fire,” all very much enjoying the Hound vs. Beric and Jamie’s bath with Brienne (aside from the last 20 seconds).
The Baggpod 4/24/2013: And Now The (Gifted) Pod Is Begun
The Baggpod returns with Baggs, JoeDog, JimmyTV, and Alain to discuss Game of Thrones’ latest episode “And Now His Watch Is Ended” as well as the latest Mad Men, “To Have and To Hold.” You definitely don’t mess around with Dany or Harry Crane, I guess?
The Baggpod 4/17/2013: To Stumps and Punk Covers
Baggs, JoeDog, and JimmTV discuss the delightful humor of the latest Game of Thrones episode “Walk of Punishment” and try and decide whether the Kingslayer will get a CGI stump or the prosthetic club. Then they discuss the movies that they are excited for (at least kind of) for the upcoming summer blockbuster season.
The Baggpod 4/9/2013: Alain Walks Through ‘The Doorway’
Baggs, JimmyTV, and JoeDog discuss another set up episode of Game of Thrones and the fear that the show is too worried about hitting the major plot points. Alain then joins Baggs to discuss is Co-starring role in TV Land’s The Exes and the Season 6 premiere of Mad Men. Welcome back Alain. Here’s the […]
The Baggpod 4/6/2013: Triumphant Returns
The Baggpod is BACK after nearly a year long hiatus. Baggs, JoeDog, and JimmyTV discuss The Walking Dead, Olympus Has Fallen, and most importantly the Season 3 premiere for Game of Thrones, “Valar Dohaeris.”
BSAPod 501 – Week 9 Special Report
After a ridiculously long hiatus Bags’ Super Awesome Crew (Joe and J Skeez) come in to briefly discuss each team’s playoff odds.
The Baggpod 5/29/2012: To the Victors Go the Spoiled
Baggs, JoeDog, JimmyTV, and AlainP regale you with tales of the epicness of last night’s Game of Thrones and Mad Men episodes. For GoT the boys discuss how awesome Bronn and the wildfire explosions were and the good decision to keep the episode focused on just King’s Landing. In Mad Men they discuss how all […]