Does it Meet the Criterion (Collection)?

In my thesis on the branding of the Coen Brothers, I commented on how supplements, or “extra-texts” such as trailers, audio commentaries, behind-the-scenes documentaries, etc., may be changing the way we are viewing films. What the exact effect has been, no one can say, as there have been no true scientific studies. However today, it’s […]

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Midnight in Paris Rereview

My first viewing of this movie came in the theater and I must say all my original thoughts hold true after my re-viewing. Midnight in Paris is a present day relic.  At its heart it is a classic movie, a simple point and shoot that allows dialogue to shine, actors to to act, and the […]

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The Help (2011) Review

I approached The Help very skeptically.  In fact I probably would have never decided to watch this movie, under my own volition (plane rides and romantic entanglements aside), if not for it being nominated for a Best Picture this year.  It seemed like the tried and true nomination.  A movie Hollywood loves because it deals […]

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Real Steel Review

Just a note, my first viewing was not in theaters but at home. Real Steel wasn’t bad, until it was.  Let’s be honest here, when you go into a movie like Real Steel you aren’t expecting tour de force acting performances.  You aren’t expecting multi-leveled characters, intricate and beautiful sets, or any sort of gripping […]

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Drive (2011) Rereview

After my first viewing in the theater these were my initial reactions:  A really solid action movie, better and very different from most of the action genre, had a lot of 80s flair, pacing (both story and editing) was off, pretty intense. Drive is a movie that tries too hard.  It tries too hard to […]

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Back to the Future Trilogy Rereview

The three Back to the Future flicks have been on and I felt compelled to watch them. Here are the big things I remembered about each flick and how I feel about them now having re-watched them: First Skateboard while holding on to cars — still makes me want to do it. McFly playing […]

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Moneyball Rereview

My initial thoughts when I saw this in the theater were that it was a flawed movie.  There was only one true character, Billy Beane (Brad Pitt), another half character in Peter Brand (Jonah Hill), and that the rest were basically just one-liner throw-ins to create depth.  I remember that the much publicized script problems […]

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